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Allium sativum L. (lat.)

The extract of Garlic

The mass fraction of moisture in the dry extract is not more than 10%
The mass fraction of moisture in a thick extract is not more than 50%
Mass fraction of insoluble substances in water not more than 5%

Garlic is rightfully considered one of the most miraculous natural medicines. It is recommended to eat raw or to take preparations made on its basis. The first option is suitable for those who like the taste of garlic. Use drugs on its basis will be convenient for someone who can not use the bulbs of this plant for food.

Garlic is stewed or eaten raw, preliminarily chopped or crushed. The use of garlic for the body was known for a long time. For several thousand years, garlic has helped to keep the heart healthy and strengthen immunity. It is not accidentally considered a symbol of longevity, because its bulb is a real storehouse of useful substances and microelements. The antioxidants contained in it have a positive effect on the circulatory system of a person and the tissues of his body. Regular use of garlic is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The use of garlic for men is difficult to underestimate, as it plays a special role for the male body. This is due to the fact that the plant is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. This property implies that garlic can restore sexual function by increasing erectile abilities and normalizing potency. The results of numerous studies have allowed scientists to conclude that garlic also prevents the development of prostate cancer. The disease is one of the most common among those that affect the male genitourinary system. With regular consumption of garlic in any form reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 50%. In addition to the fact that the plant is an aphrodisiac, it also fights against various infections that cause infertility in men. Due to the use of garlic, blood circulation is increased, which in turn leads to an increase in potency. With an improvement in blood circulation, there is an unhindered flow of blood to the cavernous bodies, which leads to an improvement in the function of the genital organ. This also qualitatively improves the composition of sperm and sharply increases the activity of spermatozoa. From garlic, you can prepare a large number of useful drugs with which you can increase the potency. Men are more often suffer from atherosclerosis than women. Preventing the disease requires prevention. Ensure prevention will help fresh garlic. It cleanses the blood vessels, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques, reducing the level of this dangerous substance in the blood.

Women often suffer from hip osteoarthritis. To alleviate the pain in this disease, as well as prevent its development allows garlic. The disease negatively affects the work of not only the femoral, but also knee joints. Now, there is no effective medicine to cope with this disease, so prevention is important, which can be done with the help of garlic. It contains sulfur compounds in large quantities, which positively influence cartilage, ligaments and joints, improving their condition. In addition, garlic is useful for women in that its regular use prevents the development of malignant tumors in the female genitourinary system. Garlic has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizing the state of the body after experiencing emotional turmoil and stress. Women, who are often upset by small things, suffer from insomnia, it is often necessary to eat garlic. Any representative of the fair sex would like to preserve her natural beauty for a long time. Garlic can help in this. Its useful properties make it possible to improve the condition of the problem skin, to cope with hair loss. In this case, good results can be achieved by combining eating garlic and applying cosmetics based on it, for example, hair masks.

Product packaging meets the requirements of TR CU 005/2011. Dry extracts are packaged in a hermetically sealed 2-layer packs of 0,5 kg and 1 kg of a polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 or in bags according to GOST 12302. Thick extracts are packaged in jars made of polyethylene terephthalate according to GOST R 51760, bucket polymer according to GOST R 50962 and polyethylene tanks for a HUNDRED 98393681-001-2009 from 0.03 kg to 25 kg. Free samples are provided in a sealed package weighing up to 100 grams.
